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Why has it taken this long to figure this out

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:12 pm
by Arizona Nova
This totally seems like the kind of scientific discovery Mark Twain should have been writing amusing anecdotes about in the 1880s, not something that we just figured out today. Our species has failed at science.

Re: Why has it taken this long to figure this out

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:52 am
by The Cerberus Alliance
Dude, you would think that this should have some kind of importance, with you making statements like that. Then I find out that the link is about one thing: Cow Compas. You know why it has taken this long to find out? Do you!? It's because no one FUCKING CARES!

This discovery just shows us how bored our scientists have become. Not any kind of failure on the part of the human race other than we're letting our scientists get bored.

Re: Why has it taken this long to figure this out

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:32 am
by Arizona Nova
It means that large animals (including our meatbag species) could have some kind of internal mechanism which parties with the magnetic field.

My point, you churl, isn't that it's important, but that it's something so abysmally easy to observe that we really should have known this a long ass time ago.

You know how long our species has been domesticating cows? 8000 BC. Thats 10,000 years that we've been raising these fuckers, and we haven't noticed this until now. That is a time scale you usually only see trotted out in fantasy novels, never actual history. What the hell.

Re: Why has it taken this long to figure this out

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:41 am
by Sskiss
AZ, you get points for using one of my favorite insults; In this case, the insult being "Churl"

Re: Why has it taken this long to figure this out

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:35 pm
by Siesatia
On that note... Double Duh: ... firstwords

New news story should be:

Re: Why has it taken this long to figure this out

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:12 pm
by Arizona Nova
Siesatia wrote:On that note... Double Duh: ... firstwords

New news story should be:
Eh, even that is understandable. Human brains are the final frontier for biological science. But cows defaulting to north-south standing positions? Come on. Some farmer somewhere should have caught on to this in Medieval England.