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Pro-Ago Movement

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:10 am
by Kostemetsia
So I was browsing Wikipedia looking for porn, and then I saw this:

Now, that's not so bad, if you take a look at it. I can kind of understand the need for it. What I can't understand is this:

Mitochondrial Eve is believed to have lived between 150,000 to 250,000 years BP, probably in East Africa, in the region of Tanzania and areas to the immediate south and west.

In context, this makes NO SENSE. Dude, there's a give or take of a hundred thousand years - and it'll still be roughly two hundred and fifty thousand years ago until at least the early eight thousands, when it gets to two hundred and fifty-six thousand years ago and we start rounding it up to 'roughly two hundred and sixty thousand years ago'.

BP is 'before 1950'. Given that we're talking about time scales of hundreds of thousands of years, why would you even bother using BP here? In fact, BP just seems like a totally unnecessary acronym. Say 1800 BP, right - that's 1950 minus 1800. 150 AD. Why not just use 150 AD?

So in conclusion I'm here to urge all of you to use 'ago' instead of the usurper 'BP'.

Be pro. Be Pro-Ago.