How best to deal with Shivan nanites

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ESUS Danza Slap
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Post by CorpSac »

me thinks i should relase shinzu on the Shivans, her nanites are er.....vary effective and reproduce at a really scary rate (during the Shinzu war in under a few days she had covered an entire system will Trillions of nanites that would attack ships take over the systems and kill the crew then run off with the ship, to strip it down or to use it) shes evil she makes Mekanta look nice...mmmm that reminds me has anyone got an Shivan Computer system laying around she can test with (that way she can take over Shivan systems alot faster) as she doesnt just use Nanites (she will send millions of AIs onto a system to attack the computer). mmm..maby she could be good a defeting the Shivan nanites
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Post by Blademasters »

Pshh mindset already said it. Also, projectile weapons should be VERY effective against these things since theres no energy for them to absorb... they just go splat. so, get your railguns, shotguns, rifles, and other cannons... and put em back on your ships.
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Thank god. Most of my personal weapons are fast firing bullet weapons, and my main ship-ship weapons are n00x and railguns. :P

Of course, I still won't stop development of my Terminator nanites (to be released tommorow) but it's still good to have a reliable weapon to fall back on.
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Post by Mekanta »

Shivan nanites are a ripoff of Minagoroshi.

IB even admitted he stole the consume and multiply thing from me.

Speaking of which, Minagoroshi works fast. Damnably fast, since the nanites have an inate time dilation effect. She can consume a planet, whole, in about a day from one torpedo strike. She can run circles around the Shivan product.
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Really? *Works time dialation device into terminator nanites*
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Post by Mekanta »

*slaps CF upside the head*

No stealing!

Does CF even have any kind of temporal expansion regulators?
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Nope. :P

My nanites reproduce really fast though. And they use the resources of any nanites they eat to reproduce themselves too. :P As I said, info will come tommorow.
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Okay...I give you the Terminator Nanites!



These things are specifically designed to destroy other nanites, while leaving other things such as buildings and people intact.

The top ones (Squidbots) are signifigantly larger than normal nanites, and they used their tentacles to capture and reel in targeted nanites. This all happens within a fraction of a nanosecond. The tenctacles move very fast. Once the tentacles get ahold of a nanite (or four. :D), they are put into what resembles a gaping maw. The captured nanites are then destroyed by being cut in half with monoatomic slicers. The resources from the destroyed nanites are then used in the construction of more Squidbots and Starfish.

The bottom ones (Starfish) are signifigantly smaller than normal nanites, and they are covered in small monoatomic slicers. They basically just ram a nanite and cut it to peices. Starfish are unable to reproduce on their own, so they rely on squidbots for reproduction.

These nanites will only target other nanites, due to the way they are programed. And they reproduce extremely quickly, so long as there is a supply of 'enemy' nanites around.

There is a plan to include several canisters of Terminator nanites in infantry powered armor and ship hulls, so as to negate whatever advantage that Shivans have in the nanotech department.
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Post by Penguenia »

Hmm... What is the mortality rate of an organic being when Starfish nanites are introduced into said being's reparatory or circulatory system?

Facehugger edit: Just noticed this. Yup, to answer your question, if a Starfish got inside a person, let's just say the results wouldn't be pretty.
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Post by Aegeus »

Well, there is a much esier way to do this. you see, IB claims his annites cannot be EMPed being biological, even though a biological being eating non-biological energy is IMP{OSSIBle, that isnt the point. The point is, they are living, and what is the one thing, that nomatter how tough you are, kills living things isntantly?


Electricity. Ebnough electricity will zap the living shit out of IBs nanites and fry them into very small shivan nuggets. in other words, rather than buying all this theta radiation emitting stuff, or getting some uber-tech solution, jsut zap the living shit out oft hem with a tesla cannon. Not only that, but because bio nanites are so small, this means that it would take hardly any electricity to kill them off. this means that he might not (depending on your planet) even be able to use nanites on it because the latent static electricity in your atmosphere would kill every last one.

In otherwords, IB's godmodnanites suck mad ass.
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