How best to deal with Shivan nanites

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Post by Blademasters »

Erm, no Aeg. Electricity gives them energy to copy themselves. you'd end up killing one as it copied itself many times.
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Post by Aegeus »

..... its electrons man. electrons interact with atoms. there is no way that IB can block electrons from passing thourgh his stuffs atoms, which are made of electrons. now, if he wants to say physics doesnt aply to him at all, then i bet hell be ignored by everyone everywhere

he cant convert an electron into another thing without protons and neutrons.

that another thing, wem jsut give them all of one thing, they get filled up, and pop, like a baloon
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Post by The Mindset »

How do you intend on transferring the electrical energy to the nanites through a vacuum? You'd need some kind of conductor linking from your generator to every single nanite - a wire, linking them all.
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Post by Blademasters »

Not to mention even if you could do it, his nanites convert elecftricity to energy. The electricity would kill the one, assuming you could get to it, but you'd wosen the problem, as it would replicate itself, many times. I'm not going to bother arguing with you, as you're too stubborn to give up.
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Post by Mekanta »

Radiation is probably the best way to go against these.

Their command portions are organic. That's how EMP doesn't work on them. Radiation kills organics, especially little organics like cells.

Therefore, a strong pulse of radiation should render the Shivan nanites inert.
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Post by Wormia »

Aegeus wrote:Well, there is a much esier way to do this. you see, IB claims his annites cannot be EMPed being biological, even though a biological being eating non-biological energy is IMP{OSSIBle, that isnt the point. The point is, they are living, and what is the one thing, that nomatter how tough you are, kills living things isntantly?


Electricity. Ebnough electricity will zap the living shit out of IBs nanites and fry them into very small shivan nuggets. in other words, rather than buying all this theta radiation emitting stuff, or getting some uber-tech solution, jsut zap the living shit out oft hem with a tesla cannon. Not only that, but because bio nanites are so small, this means that it would take hardly any electricity to kill them off. this means that he might not (depending on your planet) even be able to use nanites on it because the latent static electricity in your atmosphere would kill every last one.

In otherwords, IB's godmodnanites suck mad ass.
WHAT? Electricity is one of the weakest possible ways of conveying energy to kill something. A human can get struck by lightning and survive. Multiple times. Just a few days ago, there was an article in the Wyoming paper about two cops who got struck by lightning while assisting in a car wreck. They finished their jobs at the car wreck, and drove themselves to the hospital. Or, did you ever read the article abou the forest ranger that got struck seven times over his career? Or the statistic where 1 in 10 people get killed from a lightning strike, and that's only because 1 in 10 people seems to enjoy piercing metal objects into their bodies to give lightning an edge. Okay, that being said... electricity blows...

Mindset, your anti-nanite ship defense basically pushes 'em away, no? Wow. Don't count on it working for IB, because despite the fact that I had an AG field holding them in suspension so they couldn't get to my containment fields, he still managed to. Oh, and there was an energy drain field all over them, too. So.... YEAH. CHECK MY POST. MY SHIP GOES BBYE CAUSE SHIVANS CAN'T ROLEPLAY. THEY CAN ONLY WANK TECHNOLOGIES THAT VIOLATE EVERY PATHWAY OF KNOWN SCIENCE.


I need some dew.
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Post by Aegeus »

Well, and easy conductor for electricity is simply the nanites. the thing is, the polar charge of a nanite and electricity. if you get enough electricity in one place, it needs to go somewhere, and the nanite will have at elast one negativly charged atom inside it, meaning the electricity will zap-fry it, and arc to the next one.


Ok.... one more time.... YOU CANNOT TURN ELECVTRICITY INTO ANYTHING!!!!! you can use electricity to push something or pulse (binary), but you cannot convert a pulse of electrons moving at the speed of light destroying your components into matter for you to make another of yourself what will be destroyed as soon as its created

ok EX: how much of a military Hummer is gun? like what, mabey 1% of its mass is the 50 cal and its ammo? and whats the rest? chasis, and engine.

Now, think of the nanite in those terms, but smaller. mabey 20% of the nanite is this energy thing, wheras the rest has to be some sort of engine for propulsion. now, an bolt of electricity moving at the speed of light would cover the entire mass of this nanite in what? mabey 0 seconds? it takes a bolt of lightning (1.21 gigawatts : ) ) about 0 seconds to try a humanm being and anyone around him to a crisp. now think of that same bolt of lightning up against 10,000,000 nanites. it would fry them all in about 0 seconds, and then move onto the next ones.

in otherwords, i concur with mindset that you need a transport medium, which could be the nanites themselves, however, the nanites cannot proscess the energy of the electrons, especially not while being abliterated by it at the speed of light.
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Someone's a little angry...

I perfer to go with my terminator nanites and a healthy burst of radiation. Neutron Blast Cannons should do fine in that regart.
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Post by Aegeus »

nah, just its anoying that blade hasnt actually read any of my posts past "it would work". im jsut trying to prove my point a little more se it cant go unignored.
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Post by The Mindset »

Electrical acing only happens in atmosphere - where the air acts as the conductor. In a vacuum, there are no conductors, at all. So, for electricity to work in this way, every nanite must be connected to another nanite. Which isn't the case.
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