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Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:39 pm
by Metallinauts
3 Snipers of really really high calibur (automatic setting is there too) 1 Heavy Machine Gun and 1 Plasma Rifleall have high impact grenades and plasma grenades. Also equipped with all sorts of sensors. The Hornet has 2 flame throwers and a heavy plasma gatling gun.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:42 am
by Central Facehuggeria
OOC: Okay, You're in. Just remember that you're going to be fighting in a lot of cramped tunnels.

IC: An unassuming protocol robot lead the Metallinauts soldiers to the hardened command bunker, and to the general. Inside, a hologram of the planet was projected up from emitters on the floor and ceiling of the bunker. Various squares of red and blue criscrossed the planet. Red representing known enemy territory, blue representing allied territory. At the moment, there was a lot of blue, but red was still there in great quantities.

The general looked up and frowned. "More meat for the grinder, eh? I'm general Paul Cameron. You're the team from the Metallinauts federation, right? Well, we've got plenty of work for everyone. Peeling potatoes, declogging chem toilets..." Upon noticing the grimace from the Metallinauts team, he smiled and said; "Just kidding. Heh. Okay, your first mission should be a pretty simple one. The enemy has recently captured this territory"

The general pointed at the territory in question, and the map instantly zoomed in to show the area. The general then spoke again; "There was a human settlement there. As you may or may not know, the humans on Optera have been living under a state of slavery since we discovered this planet. Since we have made a commitment to free these people, and destroy their overlords, we try to recapture any human towns or villages captured by these aliens. That is what you're being sent in to do. It is a small village of only sixty people. The enemy probably wouldn't send in too many troops to subjugate it. You'll find lots and lots of grunts, and a few enforcers keeping order. You probably won't see any Titans out there, but you never know. Keep sharp."

The general paused for a breath before continuing; "Now, if you need additional weapons, you may report to the armory. Otherwise, your transport leaves in thirty minutes, pad six. When you get back, I'll give you your bunking arrangements. Oh, and before I forget, here is all the information we have on the alien forces, and the village you're going to liberate." The general handed the lead metallinauts trooper a datapad. Among various maps and pictures of the enemy, it read:

Alien Grunt:
The alien grunt is roughly six feet tall and 180 pounds. Physically, the grunt is weaker than a human of equal size and weight, due to the weakness of grunt bones and muscle material. To compensate, grunts usually only wear light armor and carry standard alien weapons. A squad of grunts is always accompanied by an enforcer, as the grunts are naturally cowards, and will not hesitate to run away from armed human forces. *Standard grunt equipment is either a needle gun, plasma rifle, or plasma pistol in addition to four plasma grenades.*

Alien Enforcer:
The alien enforcer is eight feet tall and roughly 350 pounds of rock hard muscle. While grunts are weaker than a standard human soldier, the Enforcer is vastly superior to most humans. For instance, it can rip a human arm off easily. It also has a greater stamina and constitution than normal humans (Meaning they will be signifigantly harder to kill.* Enforcers always accompany grunts, in order to keep the lower rank in line.

Enforcers mount thick armor that can resist most bullets, up to and including .50 caliber sniper rounds. Heavier weapons must be used to kill an Enforcer. For their part, Enforcers carry several dangerous peices of equipment, including plasma rifles, needle guns, Heavy plasma cannons, flame throwers, grenade launchers, fusion rocket launchers in addition to four plasma grenades and four "Sticky" plasma grenades which latch onto whatever they hit.

Enforcers also carry a round and highly armored shield, which they can crouch behind to protect themselves from most forms of fire. Pshychologically, Enforcers are vastly different from Grunts. Enforcers will often charge into battle, not paying any attention to subtley. Enforcers have also been known to slaughter entire human villages simply because they could. In fact, standard Enforcer practice seems to be to 'liquidate' any humans who are too young, old, or sick to be of use. Satalites have revealed the execution is often done in front of the victim's family. Enforcers are wholly evil.

Alien "Titan":
The alien Titan is the heavyweight of the alien armies. They are ten feet tall, and possess enough stregnth to rip a tank's turret off of its base. Requiring heavy anti-tank weapons to kill, they are incredibly dangerous. Fourtunately, they show a disdain of ranged weapons. Besides one light plasma mortar, they only carry a sword, club, or axe. However, like Enforcers, Titans also carry thick shields capable of stopping most attacks against the Enforcer. Troops in the field have, however, noted that the alien's back seems to be nearly unarmored, so a few good hits to the back will kill the creature.

While Titans are larger than Enforcers, they appear to be less intelligent. They are just as brutal however. They are fond of impaling humans on whatever sharp objects they can find. EXTREME CAUTION IS ADVISED IF YOU ENCOUNTER A TITAN! If possible, strike it unawares and at range.

The general looked at the Metallinauts squad; "Well, get going! I have planning to do!"

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:44 am
by Five Civilized Nations
Like wraiths from nightmares, a JadeOps Special Forces team melted out of the shadows. Looking relatively unassuming, each of the ten members of the team were veterans of years of combat. They were psychologically and physically prepared for anything that came there way. Enhanced with powerful exo- and endo-skeletons that made them stronger, the JadeOps Special Operations, nicknamed JOSO, was virtually unstoppable. In addition, every single operative was enhanced with special computer implants that allowed easy communication to the members of teams, along with allowing the operatives dead aim and a in-body doctor.

This particular JadeOps team, Tango Bravo Alpha, aka TBA, was one of the best JOSO units ever formed. Possessing ten men and women who worked extremely well under pressure and together, TBA was the epitome of the teamwork that represented the Five Civilized Nations Special Forces.

Taking up positions on the ground on each side of the bunker, wearing special tailored advanced cloak suits, the ten operatives were virtually invisible. In the lead, Captain Shi Jin, quietly checked his weapons as he waited for the pathetic Metallinutian Black Covert Recon Unit to finish their conversation with the Central Facehuggerian general. Disgusted with the wait, Shi Jin closed his eyes and began to count, impatient and angry at the delay...

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:03 am
by Central Facehuggeria
"Now shoo, I have pressing business to attend to." The general said to the metallinauts team.

After a brief wait, the general said "Ahh...5CN JadeOps is it? Only you guys have the skill, and gall, to try and sneak into an allied base."

Removing his helmet, the General smiled. "You guys didn't notice the monomolecular 'pixie dust' in this bunker, did you? It sticks to virtually everything, and it shows up great when viewed with a black tint, like my helmet's visor. It's a little precaution we took after a cloaked alien strike team tried to sneak its way inside this base."

The general smiled again and said "Now, your mission is signifigantly more challenging than the Metallinauts mission, due to your greater skills. Preliminary spydrones have picked up a major alien hive underneath this territory. So far, seismic analysis has been inconclusive, but it looks like the hive is greater than six kilometers around. Chances of human prisoners is high. Resucing any you do find will be a secondary objective. Your primary objective will be to destroy the base. If you don't possess enough explosives to do the job, see the quartermaster in the armory for some seismic charges. You're departing via Skyranger VTOL transport in twenty minutes. Remember to keep safe out there. We've only been in a few hives before, so we only have very basic intel on them. We do believe they have a central reactor that, if destroyed, will generate enough explosive force to bury the entire hive, but that is likely to be extremely well guarded. Proceed now to prep your team, and get any equipment you may need from the armory."

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:34 am
by CorpSac
OOC:mind if i join

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:14 am
by Metallinauts
The Metallinauts quickly went to pad six and waited for departure.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:57 pm
by Five Civilized Nations
With a swift motion of his right hand, Shi Jin deactivated his cloak suit. Looking at the general with grudging respect, Shi Jin nodded his head in acknowledgement and said, "We each carry a miniaturized twenty kiloton nuclear warhead, which should be enough..."

Turning to his team mates on the ground, Shi Jin ordered them to rise from the ground with a subtle hand gesture. Swiftly the nine men and women appeared out of the ground, their cloak suits deactivated.

Glancing briefly at the general, Shi Jin saluted. Wheeling on the heels of his feet, Shi Jin turned and trudged swiftly towards the area the general had pointed towards, followed closely by the nine JOSO operatives.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:02 pm
by Metallinauts
The Sgt. in charge of the squad hopped into the Hornet and ordered the rest of his sqaud in. They took off with a high pitched whir pf the hornet's anti grav wengines.
"ETA to target" said the Sarge
"At max speed, 3 minutes" said the driver
"Very Goood." said the Sarge.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:13 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
H'raak looked up and saw a human vehicle approaching. Yelling into his radio, he ordered his grunt subordinates to fire upon the Metallinauts vehicle. Two lethal image seeking surface to air missiles streaked out from the light turret his troops had set up in the village. His grunts also began opening fire with their plasma rifles, the hellish red beams reflecting off of their dull blue armor.

The Skyranger carrying the 5CN JadeOps waited for them to arrive. Once they did, it lifted off towards their mission.


Shephard plowed through the grunt ranks with his gauntlet mounted vibroblades while the commandos he had rescued moved up behind, firing at grunts and enforcers with captured plasma rifles. No matter how many they killed, the alien onslaught continued. But still, they fought on.

"Guys! We're almost at the surface!" Shephard yelled as he plunged his vibroblade into a grunt's neck, cleanly severing its head. "Shephard to transport, requesting immediate pickup. I've got the commandos, over." He said into his armor's radio.

*Static*"Aff--- Sir m--- in now! Be advis-- pickup is hot!" The transport pilot replied. Shephard ran ahead and looked at the pickup beacon. It was surrounded by aliens. "Shit!" Shephard yelled. "Can you guys hold them off while I clear the LZ?" The commandos replied with a somewhat unconfident "Yes Sir." With that, Shephard ran up to a hill overlooking the dropzone and began launching high explosive grenades down into the area, being careful not to hit the retrieval beacon. Unfournately, some of the aliens noticed him and began firing. One nicked his shoulder. It was unfourtunate, but he kept on firing through the pain. Out of the sky, a large missile came crashing down, eradicating the drop zone and everything in it. Seconds later, a Skyranger transport appeared and landed quickly. "Get in!" The pilot yelled over the radio system. The commandos did as they were told, but Shephard tossed a nerve gas grenade down the tunnel he had just emerged from. He wanted to leave the enemy with a little present. After tossing the grenade, he leapt into the transport, which speedily took off and returned to base.

At the base, the general was waiting for them. "Ahh, Shephard! Glad to see you made it! Those egg heads back home are right! You'll certainly be a valuable asset to our forces here! Now, get some rest. You've earned it. I'll call you on the base wide intercom when I've got your next mission prepared.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:26 pm
by Metallinauts
"everyone out!!!" screamed the sarge seeing the missiles coming. As the whole team bailed the hornet exploded. they lay on the ground, the plasma was fizzling overhead. "Return fire" said the sarge as the volley was done. They all emptied theyre clips amouting to about 15000 shots. (I have a machine gun and energy weapon if too high I can readjust it to fit the situation)