Slaughter infinitum: The first use of the Bioroid in combat

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Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Grunt after grunt fell beneath the large amount of firepower -they were too stupid to seek cover. The Enforcers on the other hand hid behind whatever they could. Large rocks, concrete buildings, it didn't matter. So long as it gave them a good vantage point to fire at the metallinauts troops. H'raak reached up over the rock he had been hiding behind and in one fluid motion, primed a plasma grenade, set it to 'impact' and tossed it directly in the midst of the Metallinauts forces. It flew true, and looked like it would land right in the middle of their formation.

Even if it didn't, H'raak still had other assets he could call upon. The pair of Titans he had attached to his command. This attack against the village was a ruse, meant to draw any human soldiers to their deaths.
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

The plasma grenades hit true to there mark scattering the Metallinauts troops several yards, fortunately they were sporting abalative armor (a lesser form of my space ships armor) they got up as they have recoil absorbtion that stops almost all impact damage. They ran for the mess of the Former hornet and began to pry off her weapons.
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

H'raak grinned like a shark as he saw the plasma grenade explode. His grin faded, however, when he noticed the enemy had run to the ruins of their assault vehicle. "Maalaar, foward!" He called out in his language. The two titans that had been kept in reserve charged the wreckage of the hornet like insane elephants, their plasma mortars glowing a hellish green as they discharged blast after blast at the enemy, to keep them off guard until they could bring their melee weapons to bear.

The lead titan kicked one of the Metallinauts soldiers and brought its heavy sword down upon the man's head...
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

Again the Metallinauts soldiers were thrown like rag dolls though this time injuries came. They got up and took the heavy flame throwers and flamed the titans. The Sarge ran out to meet the titans and was kicked. He lay on the ground injured horribly. His legs were shattered and his arms were drawn into a fetal position. The last images of his life lasted for ever. He saw the menacing titan walk over him. He saw the sword raise over the titans head. He heard his skull crack and saw the blood seap from the gash and died.
Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

The ten JOSO operatives of Tango Beta Alpha swiftly boarded the Skyranger VTOL aircraft. When everyone and everything was aboard, the Skyranger rose into the air and spun around, its altitudinal (sp!?!) jets flaring. When it reached an altitude of some 200 meters, the Skyranger's main engines ignited, sending the aircraft flying swiftly through the air.

Aboard the aircraft, the ten JOSO operatives swiftly began to check their weapons along with the heavy equipment each of them was lugging. Captain Shi Jin sighed as he waited for the aircraft to arrive at their destination. Meanwhile, the other nine operatives, done with checking their equipment, closed their eyes and began to nap, conserving energy for the battle ahead.
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Great services are not canceled by one act or by one single error."--Benjamin Disraeli
Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

El BUMPO arrives...
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Great services are not canceled by one act or by one single error."--Benjamin Disraeli
Central Facehuggeria
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Sorry... :oops: I've been occupied for awhile, and I kind of forgot about this thread. :P

IC: "All right you guys! The hive is just coming up. I'll drop ya right at the door. Return to the surface and call for pickup when you're done!" The Skyranger pilot announced to the 5CN operatives. Seconds later, the whole aircraft shook "Shit! We're under attack. I've got to drop you here! Hop out!" He said while opening the rear ramp. Once the 5CN operatives leapt out of the plane, the pilot bugged out.

On the surface, there was a small patrol of alien grunts and enforcers. It wouldn't be too much to deal with.

Meanwhile at the ambush;

The Titans shrugged off the flames, and continued fighting. One grabbed two metallinauts men by the neck, one in each arm, and began squeezing with all its might.

The other was trying to crush the enemy with its shield. It wasn't working too well though. The men were agile little suckers.

Hraak watched the battle with glee. The enemy hadn't brought anti-tank weaponry, and they were now paying the price for their lack of foresight. Hraak chuckled to himself as he raised his rifle and activated the zoom. Taking careful aim at one of the men evading the Titan's shield, he fired a superheated plasma blast directly at his head.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

The ten JOSO operatives dropped to the ground and immediately spread out, crouching down into combat positions, their heavy weaponry ready as they slowly secured the perimeter of the landing zone. As one, the ten operatives activated their active cloaks. Slowly, the ten men and women of the JOSO team disappeared, as their cloaking devices shrouded them into nothingness.

In a position closest to the hive, Captain Shi Jin crouched silently in his position, his powerful 25mm Orion automatic sniper rifle held tightly in his hand as he sighted down the scope at a group of aliens patrolling the grounds. His jaws set in determination, Shi Jin released his right hand from the grip and signaled for his fellow special operations soldiers to move forward.

Silently, like invisible wraiths they moved forward, their weaponry held at the ready. Four men crouched down on either side of the captain, their heavy automatic and semi-automatic weaponry positioned to annilihate the patrol of aliens.

With a soft whispered "Fire" from Captain Shi Jin, the JOSO operatives opened fire, with a powerful shot by the captain from his sniper rifle...
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Great services are not canceled by one act or by one single error."--Benjamin Disraeli
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

The Soldier was arrogantly rolling around the Titan with the shield when he heard a whir and all went black as the plasma shattered through his skull. He landed on his grenades and their firing mechanisms were activated and exploded 9 meters outward in a huge fireball. The two Metallinauts being strangled pullout their power blades and stabbed the Titan in their respective arms. The only other Metallinaut followed the plasma shot's heat trail and fired 5 rounds at the assailent's face.
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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

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