Slaughter infinitum: The first use of the Bioroid in combat

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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

Post by Metallinauts »

I bid you a Bump
Central Facehuggeria
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Prefix: The Second Imperium of
Name: Central Facehuggeria

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

The titan holding onto the metallinauts troops screeched in pain as the blades dug into its gauntlets and thick skin. It did not drop them however, it merely squeezed harder, hard enough to crush a titanium pipe into a crumpled ball.

The other titan however, was not as fourtunate. One of the plasma rounds managed to slip under its helmet, burning right through its head. It wobbled for a few moments like a dying chicken, and then collapsed down on top of the Metallinauts trooper who fired the plasma. Over thirty tons of armored titan fell directly upon the poor man...

Meanwhile with the 5CN troops;

The small patrol of grunts were executed almost immediately, but one survived and began screaming. It would not be long until the enemy sent in...more deadly opposition. The turrets at the entrance of the hive switched to active upon detecting the grunt's screams, their active thermal and organic sensors powering up. The 5CN operatives were out of range, but only just. And the turrets are very accurate.

Another IC facehuggerian post is coming soon. It just takes a really long time to respond. :P I rarely have the time for an indepth post. :(
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
Five Civilized Nations
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Post by Five Civilized Nations »

Captain Shi Jin swore when he heard the machinery of the turret start. Ducking down to find some cover, Captain timorously peeked his head out of the protusion that protected him. His eyes coolly estimating the distance at some 1000 meters, Shi Jin turned to one of his subordinates, Lieutenant Andrew Jeffers, the JOSO team's weapon specialist.

Nodding his head, Lieutenant Jeffers crouched down in his position and released the heavy pack upon his back. With a thud, the pack slammed to the ground. Turning around, Jeffers swiftly back to assemble a powerful long-range beam cannon, nicknamed the Godfather for its heavy firepower. Grinning, Jeffers soon finished assembling the massive monster.

Nodding at the Captain, the eight other operatives spread out, moving away from the powerful weapon. Calmly, Jeffers hefted the heavy and powerful weapon onto his right shoulder and sighted down the targeting equipment. Grinning, Jeffers said, "Hasta la vista..." and fired...

A massive flash of coherent appeared from the mouth of the cannon and swiftly flew towards the turret...
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Great services are not canceled by one act or by one single error."--Benjamin Disraeli
Central Facehuggeria
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Prefix: The Second Imperium of
Name: Central Facehuggeria

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

...The turret exploded in a shower of sparks sure to attract any aliens in the vicinity. Sure enough, it did. A small squad of grunts led by an Enforcer emerged from the hive entrance and began taking inaccurate potshots at the 5CN operatives.

OOC: (Sorry for the short post. I don't have time for more right now. I've been swamped with work and planning the war on TFU. I'll edit this post to include more of Shephard's exploits later, as in some time tommorow I hope. :P I haven't forgotten about this RP. It only seems as though I have. :))
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
ESUS Danza Slap
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Post by CorpSac »

OOC: even tho you never gave me an answer *give CF an evil look* so im going to assume you sead yes :P

anyway the squad im sending:(i dont have Spec Forces just Elites)
10 Marines ( Commander Drix is the commanding officer)
weapons and other stuff:
  • 10 M22 Pulse Assult rifle (with inbuilt scilencers)
  • 4 Cases of M22 Caseless Clips (total of 800 Clips)
  • 6 cases High Explosive Armour Piercing Round Grenades (HEAP) (600 genades)
  • 6 cases of Frag round Grenades (total 600 Grenades)
  • 4 cases Incendiary Round Grenades (400 Grenades)
  • 3 casesStarshell Round Grenades (300 Genades)
  • 2 Shoulder Mounted Plasma Cannon
  • 4 Cases of SMPC Shells (400 Shells)
  • 10 Headsets (covers one eye, can change to thermal,NV etc)
  • 10 Standard Armor (chest plate, Helmet, knee pads, Sholder pads, Elbow pads, Forarm with inbuilt Plasma Blades)
2 Dropship Pilots (im not going in your ships no way....not equiped for Tigerland Squad they have standard 9mm (Caseless) AP Pistals)
oh and a Sin'gal Dropship.

above the planet a single Tigerclaw Destroyer exited hyperspace, a sin'gal dropshop left quickly then the destroyer entered Hyperspace. the dropship started it decent towards the planet surface, as it cleared the burning entrie of the atmosphere the dropship pulled up.
"this is Sin'gal Dropship Ravan to Patton memorial airbase control" stef sead over the radio
"this is Patton memorial airbase control to Ravan you are cleared to land at..." befor the control tower had even told her where to land she started a mad decent to the ground, doing a full noise dive to Patton memorial airbase.
"DROPHIP RAVAN PULL UP YOUR DECENT IS TO STEEP" the control at the base shouted over the radio "OH SHIT he screamed
one of the marines in the back yell "YYYYYYYEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAA" as the dropshop got lower to the ground, at about 30 meters she pulled up the dropship nearly sliding along the floor as it pulled up, meny people on the ground had jumped out of the way. Stef landed the dropship with an extreamly loud thud, as teh marines got out, stef and the co pilot sarah followed.
"ahh shit" Stef sead looking at the dropship landing gear seeing she had fucked one of the struts "ahh thats going to take a few hours to repair" she sead going back into the dropship with sarah and grabing some spear parts and tools.
someone came running over, looking as tho he was going to explode. "WHO THE FUCK WAS PILOTING THAT DROPSHIP WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING" he shouted, Stef turned round smileing sweetly at him walking over to him.
"oh that was what you going to do about it" she sead in a flurtatus voice, then with out warning she Grabed the guys groin so hard with her cybernetic hand the guy scream "you ever shout at me again i will ripe your balls of a force you to eat them" she sead in a exteramly sweet voice.
Drix order the men and girls to get the gear out of the dropship, then he and his 2nd in command tervor, went off to find the general.

OOC: i hope stef didnt crush the generals balls and it was someone unimportant.
Central Facehuggeria
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Prefix: The Second Imperium of
Name: Central Facehuggeria

Post by Central Facehuggeria »

OOC: Rather hostile, aren't you? More meat for the grinder is always welcome. :P

IC: The CorpSac troops were led into the general's command bunker by several armed combat robots. The rationale behind that being that robots don't have testicles that can be squished like oranges.

Inside, the General greeted them and handed out the customary intelligence datapad. " you may or may not know, the aliens here do not use tanks. They use large, fourteen foot tall organic warriors we've dubbed 'Titans.' Make sure you've got heavy anti-tank weaponry for use on them. You'll probably find a few on your mission.

We've gotten reports of a new weapon in use by the enemy. Based on reports, it looks like some kind of armor-piercing energy beam. I need you to go out and recover it. Coordinates will be uploaded to your own dropship when you're ready to go. Proceed now to assemble your team."

Meanwhile, a small and grey Skyranger transport touched down at landing pad 8. Five figures filed out, Shephard and four very weary commandos. The general went to meet with them personally. "Corporal! Excellent! I'm glad you've returned. And...I see you've brought back my missing men. Great work. No rest for the weary though. One of our forward outposts is under attack. Take three Silencers and report to Pad 3 as soon as you've rearmed yourself.

That reminds me, another shipment came while you were away. It's in the armory. But hurry, our outpost doesn't have much time. Dismissed."

Shephard made best speed to the armory, arriving in minutes. Upon entrance to the armory, he discovered several crates, marked as the previous ones were, but they had an additional warning. "Do not touch under penalty of death and wookie anal rape."

After opening his crates, Shephard's eyes went wide like a kid's right after opening a present. Inside the crates there was a veritable cornucopia of weapons. A gattling rifle, heavy autocannon, assault cannon, lasers of every size and shape, and perhaps most importantly, flamethrower fuel. Inside the box with the fuel, there was a small handwritten note. "Sorry for the mix up. Here's your napalm. -Prontt"

Shephard smiled and began grabbing weapons out of the crates. Once he was satisfied that he had what he needed, he ran over to pad three. His three underlings were waiting for him.

They all quickly boarded the transport. Time was of the essence.
"Please tell me that you haven't heard military gossip about a fleet of invisible battleplates."
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