How best to deal with Shivan nanites

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Jangle Jangle Ridge
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Post by Jangle Jangle Ridge »

Well, you could emit oxygen into the vaccum, at the nanites, then use the electricity. But anyway, it won't matter how impossible it is to convert, he's actually converted electricity to energy for his nanites before. I've seen it.
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Post by Central Facehuggeria »

Silly, I was advertising my Terminator nanites back on page 2. :D
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Post by Aegeus »

....convection. if we can make a convection energy weapon, he cannot defend against it. convection eenrgy is suposedly the energy that permiates spacetime, but does not actually have anything to do with either. i mean, if we cant interact with it, neither can anything else physical. We could use convection weapons, which he cannot absorb. Evenb etter, we can steal some nachturnus compression weaps. They dotn actualy emit energy at you, and they donot use matter. all they do is scatter your particles.
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Jangle Jangle Ridge
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Post by Jangle Jangle Ridge »

My idea works just as well. And it's easier and cheaper.
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The Emperor Fenix
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Post by The Emperor Fenix »

These "organic" nanites, if they are based on virii or bacteria of some kind, must therefore not be able to stand temperatures of a few thousand degrees, biological molecules become inoperative at high temperatures. No question about it, if he gets out of one fix by making them biological he cannot mechanise them again, what is done cannot be undone.
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Post by Aegeus »

ooooooooooooooooor *as said in other topic* we just hide behind layers of compression sheilds and use hypserspacing big bombs to blow them to hell
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Post by Moontian »

These nanites have gotten me thinking...
If the nanites don't mind high temperatures, try very low temperatures. Liquid helium should do the trick on just about anything. Gravity-based weapons would probably work as well.
If the nanites are now based on bacteria/virii, gamma and/or neutron radiation should work as well.
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The Emperor Fenix
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Post by The Emperor Fenix »

liquids are hard to manipulate in a vacuum though surely?
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The Mindset
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Post by The Mindset »

Indeed, and unless the nanites were deployed near a Sun, they'd be exposed to very low temperatures anyway in the vacuum between stars.
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Post by Vi2o »

I am back to the idea of zapping them with electricity. If a small charge can be 'consumed' by the things, then what about a much larger charge? Everything eventually shorts out if exposed to enough electricity. Think of fuses. They use some electricity, but when to much somes into them, they burn away. Then theres the problem with conducting an electric current in a vacum, right? Well, suppose everything from the hull of our ships, to the inside of our shields where like a giant testla cannon. Anything that conducts electricity that goes between then gets zapped with a hefty charge. Its just an idea, I am sure that its got some major flaws.
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