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Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:19 am
by New Calabra (Albion)
The only problem with all this talk is it's just that; talk. We haven't actually DONE anything yet. And while we sit here and debate it, they get stronger.

1) We can't nuke em in any way, to coin the phrase. That counts of mega black hole warheads and other such methods, as they'll call godmod.

2) 4 Worldships is nothing to stick your nose up at. If we sent fleets there, on thier home turf, we'll be in for a hard fight, one we might not be able to win.

3) Supernovaing the sun would cause potential horrendous ESUS casualties as well as Shivan casualties as well as godmodding cries.

4) Nanites are a poor idea due to the sheer facts of a combined potential godmod cry and that we could lose contorl of them and end up having to fight a nanite enchanced shivan fleet.

5) Their tech isn't THAT desirable. With work, we can make similar equivalents to everything they can make.

So what do we do about it, then? It has to be a combination of many things. If we can make them be assailed with all possible situations as possible, then they can't hope to stop them all.