How best to deal with Shivan nanites

A forum for in-character roleplay. (IC)
Jangle Jangle Ridge
Posts: 1476
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:46 am

Post by Jangle Jangle Ridge »

Listen to me: Oxygen tanks, and high-pressure valves. Vent it at the damn things, and zap them to hell! It would work!
'Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one' Albert Einstein, man of the big brain.

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New Calabra (Albion)
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Post by New Calabra (Albion) »


...We could just do ALL of the ideas at once! One of them is bound to kill the buggers!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
Posts: 1476
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:46 am

Post by Jangle Jangle Ridge »

How about I just incinerate them with microwaves?
'Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one' Albert Einstein, man of the big brain.

I'm the ESUS member most capable of ingesting a sock! Weeee!

CF is my saviour!
New Calabra (Albion)
ESUS Teletubby Fan
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Post by New Calabra (Albion) »


We could just do them ALL! *is repeating himself*
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Post by Aegeus »

i like calabra's idea
Quitters never win, winners never quit,
but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
War was good until you Yanks came along with your aircraft carriers and broke it.

"sir, there's a tank column approaching!"
Doesn't matter, I'll use my carrier!
*Carrier fucks tank column over*

The Mindset's Bitch
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Post by Vi2o »

Aegeus wrote:i like calabra's idea
Uh...yeah...Comming to think of it, that will kill them. heh.
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