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Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:00 pm
by CorpSac
Central Facehuggeria wrote:GZ's "Reagan" ubership made an appearance, trying to destroy the Shivan worldship. It has failed so far. Kanuckistan tried to do the same. That didn't work either.

I launched some of my new Parallax(TM) torpedos at him, but his ub3r dsplcers of dum!!!one+1 negated all of them.

I made a tactical retreat while I try to figure out how to get rid of them displacers.

Looks like we're losing the battle.

Ohh yeah, a gigantic AoN fleet has arrived to back us up, but I'm not sure it'll be enough. We should send everything we can. After all, if we can kill the worldship, IB's power will essientially be gone.
why dont we use the thing he cant block? my Hyperspace Tear Cannon, even if it did no damage he would get sucked into Hyperspace and the warworld would be lost forever? tho we would risk do alot of damage to teh planet and the Mobile cannon is not that well protected so er....a large group would need to cover it till it was full charged (aabout 60 seconds)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:22 pm
by Metallinauts
I have some black hole torps as I plan on deploying the Thor and a few undisclosed secret vessels that were part of the Thor Project.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:24 pm
by CorpSac
well i was goin to make a post but with so meny OOC posts i didnt know what to post, all i want to know is, is there a FTLi up and running around the battleground?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:38 pm
by Central Facehuggeria
FTLi? I believe Kanuckistan has his up, as well as IB having his own FTLi.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:55 am
by Kanuckistan
I have two Superfortresses near the sun, each with lightminute-radius FTLi active. The Battleplate also has FTLi active to a 300'000km radius, but is located 450'000km above the planet's north pole, so I'm not covering the battlefeild(my FTLi can screw with some of the technologies used by allied fleets).

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:26 am
by CorpSac
Kanuckistan wrote:I have two Superfortresses near the sun, each with lightminute-radius FTLi active. The Battleplate also has FTLi active to a 300'000km radius, but is located 450'000km above the planet's north pole, so I'm not covering the battlefeild(my FTLi can screw with some of the technologies used by allied fleets).
such as my HST (hyperspace Tear) tech such a useful weapon on the shivans but useless when you ativate your FTLi :( but thats a cost to stop the shivans running away or jumping in behind us.well i will make a post when i wake up later on today after watching some films (bully and Kids 2 grate films (well bully is not seen Kids lol))

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:40 pm
by Metallinauts
Could Someone Tell Me the Exact Specs of an IB Lucifer?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:29 am
by Feazanthia ... vans.shtml

There ya go, Met.

Anyhoo, I don't like the sound of this. If my sources inside the Imperium are correct, Reptile can jump in 1700 ships in a blink. And he's also accusing US of godmodding. My ships can take a large brunt of any additional Shivan reinforcements with their advanced electronics and shields, but I can't go it alone. And IB is not after the planet, he wants to destroy it. What will he gain from this? GZ is not exactly a key player in this war.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:11 pm
by Metallinauts
Thats exactly why I am shelling his cities to kill Shivans I really have no cares about him. I am going to use the Thor to kill the Lucifers, it is roughly 6x Bigger and has enough firepower to tast all of IBs, Ekardia's and the Order of the Reptile's ass back to sub-space and then some.
EDIT: Thanks Freezanthia for the site.