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Re: A Contradictory Allegiance

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:12 am
by Otagia
"I would be interested in a meeting, but first, I would like to know more about the Extra-Solar Union of Systems. Particularly on matters regarding sovereignty, for hopefully there is no central authority that would override our free and stateless society should we join. Otherwise I am afraid that no argument would be enough to convince us to sign ourselves as members of your Union, for if there is something we would not trade for anything at all, not even for our very lives, for we would rather die than to live without it, such thing is our freedom."
The man laughed, leaning back in his invisible chair. "The ESUS? Central authority? I think most of the Senate would spontaneously combust if they were forced to do any actual work. There is, of course, the matter of the Serious Crimes Directorate, which monitors international criminal enterprises, mostly smuggling and the like. However, their power is limited to that of the host nation's own law enforcement divisions, and given what I've gleaned from the nice bath of EMRs coming off of your planet, you don't even have those."
"Please tell me you can spare a working compensator."
Unfortunately, no. I've had to rebuild a decent portion of my interior architecture to accomodate for the lack of inertiics. However, I might be able to loan you a few constructor drones to facilitate a few modifications to your own vessel, on the condition that you loan me the use of your FTL comm unit.

Re: A Contradictory Allegiance

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:25 am
by Solar Communes
Annika was at last hearing something that did not bother her from the digital sentient Perfect Gentleman. Finally something in common, and which justified what she was hoping to do despite all barriers. Their survival was more relevant than the extermination of a handful of aliens, which would become possible later. If they did not find a way to quickly expand, or fight for freedom, mediocrity would destroy their civilization. The Extra-Solar Union was the ticket for Solar Communes to ascend from its decline. It was either now, or perhaps never, for the likelihood of something like this happening was infinitesimal. But they were in the parallel universe where it happened, rather than perhaps in one where they would become like the Eloi. Seeing the grassfields, and remembering how her clothing was changed recently to something quite cheesy as a schoolgirl uniform. Annika tried to relax from the tenseness that making such a decision for billions of mostly imbeciles would bring. Nobody else cared besides her and Fitzgerald... nobody else. Even the spacecrafts heading towards them, just in case, were unmanned and fully automated. Even the denizens of the expansive Dyson Ring were too busy in hedonistic pleasures to worry about the risk such event had. The risk of it becoming a diplomatic disaster, of Annika doing the wrong choice and pulling all of them to a hopeless war.

Only she cared, and thus, her biological body was incredibly tense, even if her avatar demonstrated no emotions of fear or worry, not even in her voice. She was listening to his explanation, when her biological body relaxed a bit, it was the only moment however.

"The ESUS? Central authority? I think most of the Senate would spontaneously combust if they were forced to do any actual work. There is, of course, the matter of the Serious Crimes Directorate, which monitors international criminal enterprises, mostly smuggling and the like. However, their power is limited to that of the host nation's own law enforcement divisions, and given what I've gleaned from the nice bath of EMRs coming off of your planet, you don't even have those."

Immediately, she smiled to herself, explaining:

"See... people are so bored here, but so bored that they play live "Global Thermonuclear War" to clean up the mess later... well, to be honest I own a kinetic-kill interstellar ballistic missile, because I hope one day I could use to..." then suddenly a silent came, as she realized she nearly gave up the opinion of their civilization about aliens, trying to immediately repair her mistake, "...make profit by blowing open the cores of lifeless but mineral-rich planets instead of having to slowly dig them with expensive tools. But there is not point in making profit when nearly everything is free... like from each according to only what they are willing to do, to each according to what they want. Utopian... yes... but on the other hand... I think you already know what happens when humans don't need to worry about survival or most of their necessities."

Thus, she continued explaining her train of thoughts to the Perfect Gentleman, as she cleared her throat and stripped her blouse, behind which literally nothing existed. The other side of such environment could be seem from her now undressed, nonexistent torso, and she certainly was amused from it, although not so much:

"You have no idea of how many fools who turned off pubescence control have fallen for this. Anyway, while it's true there are no cops in a confederation of anarchist communes, it does not mean we are lenient to scum. We just do the cops work ourselves, with flawless 12 gauge coilgun justice... but thanks to thousands of years of eugenics, and the fact there is no reason to despair, crime is nearly nonexistent. And no... don't worry, I don't mean eugenics as in sieg heiling and killing Jews. I mean as in people having a choice on avoiding to have their children born retarded, for those who have parents... most are born in the vats nowadays, considering all the gay people around aren't particularly gifted to have children, and being born perfect is a standard issue for all but personality, because meddling with personality is tyranny."

"Now, I can't say I'm not interested. How can I meet your Senate? I suppose your spacecraft would be out of commission for a while. Sorry, but I can't go back in time and kill Albert Einstein for you. So... this leaves few options, and I wouldn't like to go through that anomaly by myself either... you see, I'm totally clueless with this psychic mumbo-jumbo, and as I never felt or saw it I sometimes think it is just bull, thus I would probably get lost forever if I went through it, and if a psychic was sent with me... those things out there would go to my spacecraft like bees to honey, if they really exist, and I don't want to risk discovering it the hard way."

Re: A Contradictory Allegiance

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:29 pm
by Kanuckistan
His shirt hit the laundry chute with a wet slap, the firecat grumbling as he keyed the shower, returned to the habitation area several accidents later, dripping a foul concoction of machine lubricant, tea, and the contents of a biomass depolymerizer that had lain forgotten after breaking down sometime last year.

With my luck of late this'll stain my pelt, he mused ruefully, as Perfect Gentleman's reply came over his neural lace.
Perfect Gentleman wrote: Unfortunately, no. I've had to rebuild a decent portion of my interior architecture to accomodate for the lack of inertiics. However, I might be able to loan you a few constructor drones to facilitate a few modifications to your own vessel, on the condition that you loan me the use of your FTL comm unit.

"I can let you piggyback my zipnet connection, sure, but if you want to contact your own people?" Tiber sighed, killing the water, shower delayed, but still happy for the distraction, "You'd have to find some way to bridge the gap. If they've got assets in Sol System or somewhere like that, I can rent a transceiver or contract a forerunner displacement or something, but if you're thinking to pipe it through the Battlenet links? I don't have anything resembling those kinds of connections, and I doubt anyone leaching my feeds does either, tho I'll ask."

"As for the drones, I appreciate the offer, but I've got enough fabber cycles after my drive build bottleneck to make due, and I'd rather not spook these people by passing anything more than encrypted EMR."

"Anyway, how's your chat going? I've been a little too busy to keep up. What's your impression of the locals? I'm mature enough to admit I almost pissed myself when she asked to see my face, but I'm sure they can't be as bad as the old Facehuggers..."