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Drastic Revision of Policy (Announcement)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:50 am
by Kostemetsia
>> public key: n/a
>> ESUS key: /kostemetsia/gov/executive/announcements/1
>> ambassador key: /kostemetsia/dfa/announcements/54

"In the end, we all die. You decide who dies first."

At this time, almost exactly two hundred and fifty years ago, Kostemetsia was an infant nation. It had just separated from the Terran Authority, and was still in danger of being taken back.

Given that the founding of the Interstellar Confederate Alliance will no doubt widen gaps between Kostemetsia and some of those nations with which it is acquainted, the Commonwealth has decided that a policy with a stronger emphasis on defence is warranted. Taking that into account, several changes are to be made to the Commonwealth's governmental structure to increase its defence capabilities.

1. The posts of Minister of Defence and Minister of National Security will be added to the Executive Office, alongside the President and General Secretary, as will the non-ministerial posts of State Intelligence Service Chief and Admiral of the Navy.

2. Several General Orders of the Commonwealth Defence Force will be modified to allow judicious expansionism, in that the process of Defence Force interference authorisation from the Government will be streamlined.

3. Base-level strategic and tactical options for the State Intelligence Service will be expanded, with expansion measures including, but not being limited to, the automatic issuance of a license to kill upon State Intelligence Service Field Division entry.