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Entire Senate slaughtered!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 12:15 pm
by Underwater Asylum
"This is George Fontay reporting for ENN. Breaking news, the entire senate of the Empire of Underwater Asylum has been slain. The presidential Nova class cruiser, on which they were travelling to Albia for the monthly meeting, was the site of the attack. We aren't allowed to show you any pictures, as it is too disturbing. Emperor Phoren Narqu was away on business at the time of the attack, and is unable to comment. The official statement given out by the military states that the ship was boarded, and had it's engine and gravity generators cut. The assassin was using military hardware, and killed everyone on board, with no exceptions. For breaking news, stay tuned on ESUS News Network."

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:19 pm
by New Calabra (Albion)
Such an event saddens the Ablion Council. In a time of increasing security requirements it is the sad fact that no person is ever truly safe from their enemies. Our condolenses go to the families of those in brievement.

Of course the Albion Empire will be more thenw illing to assist in the investigation of the activities. We have a team of Ugolungobaurdo Invigilators ready to assist you in any way that they are needed. Due to the assassin's unknown whereabouts, they will be with a full Albion military escort of Type Zenos-3 military bots. These invigilators will examine the entire ship for any evidence of the origin of the assassin.

I await your response,


Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:19 am
by Underwater Asylum
Many thanks. So far we've established the assassin worked for the Red Blade Syndicate, and was of a of a humanoid race.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:23 am
by Zarahemla
OOC: Reminds me of the part in Jennifer Government where the president and all his cabinet were killed at once when their unarmed plane was shot down by well-armed nike jets :)

IC: Our condolences... can we do anything to help?

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:27 am
by Underwater Asylum
At the moment, no, since the RBS is likely to target any nations who should give assistance as part of their second phase. It is known that they have infiltrated NG, ourselves, and the other SCC members.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:43 am
by Kanuckistan
Underwater Asylum wrote:At the moment, no, since the RBS is likely to target any nations who should give assistance as part of their second phase. It is known that they have infiltrated NG, ourselves, and the other SCC members.
The Dominion morns your peoples' loss, and presents a standing offer of assistance; the threat of terrorists do not concern us, especially in light of an ally's need.

We also admit to finding this situation odd; that so many in your government would travel together with only a single ship, and that the ship wasn't scuttled or droped into the nearest star to despose of the evidence...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:49 am
by New Calabra (Albion)
That has brought about a question. The Albion Empire would like to know the reasons that the ship was not only alone on it's journey and that it was so ill equpped for such an event. A few pieces of information, although mere snippets, bring about questions that must be answered.

I await your response,


Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:31 pm
by Underwater Asylum
The RBS are a rebel faction. We found the escorts dumped in a an uninhabitated system, again, everyone was dead. All guards on board the Nova were dead. It looks like a highly skilled group of inside operatives. Kanuckistan, we thank you. It is nice to know that some of the rest of the ESUS are still reasonable.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:33 pm
by New Calabra (Albion)
Reasonable? The Albion Empire already offered our assistance to your people which is on it's way to help you right now. I don't think you have a right to call us unreasonable in the face of such obvious signs of us assisting you. We asked a question and all we wanted as an answer.


Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:36 pm
by Underwater Asylum
Our apologies NC. We were refering to the more... Senior members of the ESUS, and we meant no offense then, or now.