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The Sebastian interviews.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:05 am
by Jordaxia
(Made sense to put the ESUS Sebastian interviews here. Comments not just welcome, they are mandatory. I know what forums you go to.)

*The same show ritual once again, big band plays sebastian in. This time he's guided by "mermaids", in actuality young women with little on, wearing wearing long skirts with a slight scaled effect.
Neptune, the announcer, comes over the audience wild applause, to announce tonights guest.*

"Iiiiiiiiiit's Sebastian! The late night talk show, with all the "snap" of a primetime production.

Tonight, we have a very special guest. He's came all the way from Aegeus just to speak to us tonight.

Introducing, the Headman of Aegeus..... Raaaaaaaaaaaaayne!"

*The crowd go even further, and Rayne enters with two more mermaids on his side. The big band play a
jazzed up version of the Aegean national anthem, whilst Rayne is obviously impressed with his two escorts. He pulls them tighter to himself, and whispers something into each of their ears. In true poker face style, neither mermaids expression change, but Rayne breaks out into a laugh, raising an eyebrow. He sits himself down on the chair next to sebastian. Sebastian, noticing Raynes size, quickly raises his chair up two notches, and as the applause dies down, sebastian begins.*

"Welcome to the show, Headman Rayne. Awfully nice of you to come from across the universe to talk with us, mon. I been hearing rumours that you're quite a strong character, I can see they weren't lying. So, I got to ask you, mon. Were you bullied at school? I mean, most people really start to bodybuild for a reason like that."

*Rayne chuckles, then answers.*

"No. At school, I possesed the Stormguard Gauntlets, and so was unstoppable. There was this guy named Bruce... he tried to push me around, so I smacked him. *he laughs again* It took them weeks to get all of him out of the linoleum. Yeah, that was good."

*Sebastian, slightly taken aback by What Rayne said, quickly regains his composure.*

"Well, that's great. Glad to see that people can still stand up for themselves. There was this one time, when I was at school? I mean, the jellyfish thought they owned everything, see? But they messed wit' the wrong lobster when they tried to take my lunch off me. See, when they went to grab my lunch, I gots busy with me claw, see? *he snaps claws twice for effect* and snapped their danglies off, just like that

*another snap*. Nobody tried to take Sebastians lunch after that, heh. *he smiled to the camera and the audience, then turned back to Rayne.* Of course, I was one of the nice guys at school, in the choir, and the steel band, but I had a reputation from then on, mon. Anyway, this is your interview. Are you attached to anyone at the moment, any lady friends?"

*Rayne, once again amused by the question, and once again remembering, begun his response*

"Well, Sebastian. The thing you need to understand about me, is, theres more than enough for every lucky lady, and every lady I meet is lucky. *He winks comically at a random woman in the audience. Anywhere else in the world, she might have made a fuss, but when the guest is invincible, and guarded by Neptune, it tends to make you protest a little more quietly.* But sure. I have a lot of women who do nothing more but lie around next to my throne all day, and wait for me to come back. *he laughs very loudly for a moment, and says nothing more."

*Sebastian looks intrigued by his almost cryptic response*

"So, a bit of a ladies man, are we? Very nice. I expect you try to have company most nights?

"Heh, better than that. I make sure I have company every night." Rayne responds.

"Excellent, mon. Anyway, what about the day after. How do you start your day? I gather it would be quite different to the lot of us, considering you're a national leader."

"Well, when i get up in the morning, i usually have to shift some female off of me, and put on some pants. I perform the natural male ritual of thte "shiff test". Well, after that, i hit the lou, and probably grab a muffin, blueberry. Then i go to my throne and relax, eating my muffin. i generally about then get some bad news, and sit out half of it. I then get infuriated and blast the culprit into the nearest wall. this proscess is repeated several times, then i go and eat a subway sandwitch for lunch, meatballs, cheese and olives! *licks lips quickly*"

"So, aside from the early morning murder *Sebastian smiles very nervously, and looks over to where Neptune is sitting with a mike*, you don't really have too much of a different routine to any man?"

"Well, I doubt any man eats Blueberry muffin every morning. I heard sometimes the shops run out. But apart from that, I try to keep things pretty normal in my throne room. A relaxed atmosphere means that the messengers aren't so afraid that I'll blast them for bad news. More fool them, eh? *he jabs

Sebastian in the ribs, implausibly, from across the table.*

"Well, mon. We got to be continuing this, otherthewise, we'll be hear all night. Speaking of that, what do you intend to be doing after the show is done?"

*Rayne grins at what might be done after the interview, then answers.*

"Well, probably beign assaulted by reporters, you know how it is. You can never get anything done without them hounding you everywhere. You'd think that they'd have something better to do than try to make their name off of my back! Sometimes, they just don't know when to give up. Believe me, I've had to draw the line for them. I might have to kill some military grunts for fu...for budget reasons. Uhhh, most of the commanders don't have the guts to sack their men.... yeah, that's the reason. No guts. Maybe I'll get a little lucky too, if you know what I'm saying, eh? *He goes to jab Sebastian again, but he leans back in his chair, getting out of the road of the exceptionally strong arm.*

"Yeah... I know what you mean. Sounds like you got a lot to keep you busy, mon. I like that. I especially like how you keep busy, heh. I would ask how you keep fit, but I don't think I need to. Anyway, we're almost out of time here, only enough time for another question or two. Tell me some more about your childhood. Did you have any pets?"

*Rayne, who has been covertly and overtly smiling after almost every question asked, continues to do so. A fact that the cameraman has not missed. He zooms in on the latest, a very sly grin, almost sleazy in its quality, but quickly vanishing as Rayne begins to answer.*

"Well, my current is named Jessie. she very tender and loving. shes very soft hearted, and gentle. she also can get wild as an ox... " *another grin* "We get along great, and she's never far away when I get some bad news. She never fails to take my mind off it either."

"That's great, Rayne. Glad to see that even our national leaders still have time for pets. I remember, I used to have this barnacle. It was wild. You should see how excited it'd get when I came home, I tell you...." *he sighs.* "They were good times. uh, but anyway, we really have to finish this up now. I suppose I should ask you one of those topical questions, see what I get out of you. Lots of people have been gettin' worked up about this "abortion" business. What do you make of it, eh?"

"Well, the more population there is, the more soldiers we have. If the preteen and teenaged families cannot support their child, then the child will be removed by the government for training to become a productive military soul. So, we have that problem wrapped up. The children that we support often enjoy long careers in the armed forces, rising through the ranks. This kind of future is probably better than any the mother could afford."

"I... see. Well, it's been great talking to you, Rayne. Not often we get a leader in the studio. It's been a wonderful evening, but I'm afraid that we've run out of time for tonights show. *Sebastian turns to the audience.* "Well, everybody, we're out of time, so, give it up for Rayne!"

*The Audience goes wild, drowning out the few short words between Sebastian and Rayne. The lights go down, and you see the silhouette of Sebastian and Rayne shaking hands. The credits roll, and the message asking anyone who wants an interview to get in contact plays.*

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:58 am
by Jangle Jangle Ridge
OOC: Do Tarenteor next! Weeee!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:44 am
by Jordaxia
Unfortunately, that can't be done, I believe that I have a few bookings to be done before that... Also, I don't know much about the Tarenteor, so I'll need a lot of information about him.
I just noticed something.
I forgot to credit Aeg' for the parts of the interview that he answered. As in, he answered all of those questions, and I shoved them into format.


I need to write up a list.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:52 am
by Jangle Jangle Ridge
You could TG me.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:01 am
by Jordaxia
I wasn't ruling it out (Because I'd like to interview everyone.)
I'm just saying that I need to first get info on the Tarenteor (I did intend to TG you) and secondly, interview the others who had asked first.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:09 am
by Jangle Jangle Ridge
I was simply suggesting. Don't worry. Unless you say, interview me third or fourth, I won't shred you to pieces :P

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:58 am
by Aegeus
God man. Jord. You are a bleedping genus!

very excelent. a little bit of personality for everyone to look at