A Shocking Discovery

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Name: Metallinautsi Federation

A Shocking Discovery

Post by Metallinauts »

Sector 42 Edge of Nebula Metallinauts

Aboard the UFM Zeus all was quiet. The space in the general area even had very little going on. There wasn't a meteor around for light years. Patrol duty in Metallinautian space was always a doldrum assignment to receive.

Captain Saiban Keller was slumped in her chair, fast asleep. She was dreaming of the warm beach simulators on Cadia Prime. Bleep! Bleep! She snapped awake. "Come in" her words were slurred and drowsy.

In walked Commander Leanne Jennings, the most gorgeous of all the women in the service. She was 1.75 meters tall, had a slim waist, dark skin and an angelic body. "Captain, there is nothing new to report. There is little to no activity in the Sector. Hell, there aren't even smugglers out this far." she said in a perky voice.

"Very well, dismissed" the captain said, she was clearly mad for the unnecessary interruption. She watched her voluptuous curves sway on her way out "Damn" she said under a heavy sigh. She returned to her sleep.

Out on the bridge the crew was holding an interesting discussion on the outcome of the civil war. Some were horrified at the prospect of the Demons returning, while others were hopeful that the Admiral would return with the Thor and allied support to rebuild. Jennings sat in the Captain's chair. Her face was bright and interested. Though inside she was bored and irritated. Here we go with this again. I HATE PATROLshe tought to herself. Even more she loathed the conversation at hand. This was the 10th consecutive hour they had been talking about this.

Just as she was about to break the happy facade and tell them to shut up alarms broke the conversation up.

"Ma'am! The sensors are going haywire! There is a massive temporal source about half a light year from here.� said Officer Louis Finnigan from his post.

"Source?" barked Jennings.

"Unknown, the signature is reading an ancient source. Possibly Indran" said Finnigan puzzled.

"Indran?" Jennings inquired her shock was apparent.

"Well, I can't be certain, the nebula is disrupting our sensors too much to be sure. I ask that we may close in on the source to determine what it is." Finnigan replied.

"Helm, intercept course" ordered Jennings.

With in half a second the Metallinautian craft was at the source of the disturbance.

"Anything?" the Commander asked. Her eyes were fixed on the view screen at the derelict vessel.

"It is definitely Indran. But..." Finnigan trailed off.

"But what officer?" said Jennings.

"Well, according to my readings the ship is over 200 years old." he said.

"That's shocking" Jennings replied.

"That's not half of it, according to the readings on my sensors, it has been here for over 190 years.� he said dazedly.

The Commander sat speechless. Several moments passed.

"Well, upon an indepth scan. Almost everything works, including the temporal devices. Perhaps we should tow it back to our space and check it's logs to see what happened." suggested Finnigan.

"Wouldn't the Indrans come take this ship back? I thought they knew where all there ships were at once aws long as it gave off some sort of temporal reading." she stated to Finnigan

"Perhaps there is some sort of annomoly in our space preventing them from reading into it?" he proposed.

"I don't know." she said. "Tactical, tow this vessel. Helm return to base, maximum speed." she ordered.

"Aye Aye" two voice replied simultaneously.

With that the ship headed back to the Cadian System, their unexplained cargo in tow.

/ooc/ there will be more later.
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