Realm of the Risen: Angels Deception

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ESUS Teletubby Fan
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Realm of the Risen: Angels Deception

Post by Tappee »

As the man moved through the street he glanced over his shoulder, the street was empty as it should, be then again one never could be to careful. The ruins as they were called was all that was left of the original city of Grathmoras, the new city had been simply build over top of the old. There was no natural light here, only the rare lamp that drew its power from a stolen source, the smell sewage filled the air, the rest of the outside world wanted little to do with what remained of the past. Those that called this hell home where either social outcast, or those that did not want to be seen, men like Carlos.

Once again he looked over his shoulder to make sure that he was not being followed, sure that there was no one behind him he ducked into a dark alleyway. Water splashed as he inadvertently stepped into puddle as rushed into the blackened void. Reaching the end of the alleyway Carlos found himself standing at a dead end, looking to his left he saw a thick metal door. Reaching out he slammed his first hard into the door, he could hear the echo of his knock on the other side.

Suddenly a slot opened up on door as pair of eye looked out at him. “What the wordâ€
ESUS Teletubby Fan
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:31 pm

Post by Tappee »

Everyone was going about their day to day business, as always the station was a flurry on station. Today Carlos found himself on Trading Station 19, it was located on the edge of the Procol System, as was the main contact with the rest of the universe, and was the hub of all activity coming in and out of the system. All walk of life, human and non-human alike, it was nothing short of melding pot of diversity.

Looking up Carlos saw that he had indeed found his destination, a shady looking bar, the type bar that one always found trouble. Swing the door open Carlos made his way in, as he did he scanned the room for the man that he was here to meet. One by one Carlos mentally eliminated each of the bar patron, until he saw his contact who was sitting alone in the corner.

“Why Dante do you always want to meet in this dumpâ€
ESUS Teletubby Fan
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:31 pm

Post by Tappee »

As the door slide open Carlos took a quick mental check of the room to make sure that everyone was there.

Off to his right he Brain fiddling with his weapon making sure that it would be working properly when the time came. Brain himself was a rather large man, standing 6’6 and as solid as a tree. He bore the scars of two many battles, Carlos knew that no matter how bad things got that Brain would had have their backs.

Sitting alone in the corner was Kate, the outcast of team; she was the only member of the team that was not ex-military. Her weapons skills were lacking to say the least, but what she lacked in brute strength and combat talent, she made up in brains. Her ability to bypass any security system was a constant asset, it had bailed them out of trouble too many time. Carlos believed that she had been a master thief before she joined up with the team, though she never really talked about her past.

Seated at the main table was the rest of the team, Alec, Carter, Edward, and Tammy, the four were enjoying some type of card game. Tammy was the team’s sniper, as long as her target was within her weapons range, she could kill it. Edwards was the demolition specialist, Carlos was sure that he had some type fixation with blowing things up. Carter and Alec balanced the team out with a generalized skill set; all had seen some type of combat.

Alec was the first to see that Carlos had entered the room, “good morningâ€
ESUS Teletubby Fan
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:31 pm

Post by Tappee »

Out of utter boredom, Carlos reached up and gently massaged the bridge of his nose, their ship had been dropped off about six hours ago, since then he had done nothing but share at a computer screen to make sure that they had not been detected. At the other side of the cockpit sat Alec and Carter, sit in the pilot positions, the two of them were argue over some type of sport, and which team had the chance to win this seasons playoff.

Suddenly he heard the door to the cockpit slid open, he looked over his shoulder just in time to see Tammy come in. A smile came over his face along with a rather large sense of relief; she was here to replace him. “Here you goodâ€
ESUS Teletubby Fan
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:31 pm

Post by Tappee »

Everyone was scrambling around the cockpit as the call had come in. they had picked up a Tappee Battle cruiser, and so far they believed that they had gone undetected so far, but that would not be the case so for long.

In some what of panic Carlos took his seat at the helm, they had landed up making contact much earlier then they had anticipated. They had been given the area’s patrol routes, and according to those charts, the ship should not be here.

“We should cut and runâ€
ESUS Teletubby Fan
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:31 pm

Post by Tappee »

Following their rather close call, Carlos and team had been able to avoid any further entanglement, and now go visibly see the planet of Procol. However, this was not the planet that Carlos remembered from his youth.

Carlos had done some his military training her, and it was the first foreign planet that he had ever visited, he could remember flying to the planet and seeing how lush a vibrant the planet looked from space, it had just been selected as mining colony, and was still ideal for jungle training. However, what he saw now was no jewel that he remember, but instead a giant barren gray rock. He was amazed, from his viewpoint there seemed to be nothing left alive.

“Wow, it seems that they really mined the hell out that planetâ€
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